Tuesday, January 17, 2012

We're Back!!

Here we go again! I know it's been a long time since we have blogged but we're back! Here are a few pictures to show where we are now.

Emma is in 3rd Grade at Sunset Elementary. She is a very active young lady. She has been active in Sunset Express, the school's singing group. That has definitely kept our whole family busy! We are so proud of Emma and her committment to this group.

Emma is doing well in school. Her teacher says her confidence is out of this world. She is continually begging to participate in after school programs like pottery and calligraphy and she loves playing with her friends.

Here is Lila Marie. She is in 1st Grade. She is also doing very well. She is as active as she has always been. Her teacher helps her focus all that energy and it has helped her be in the top three in her class for reading.

Lila also is active in school. She recently won award for Kindness at her school and this past Christmas she made me a beautiful dish in her pottery class.

Lila is very smart and creative. She loves playing Lego's and beating her Grandpa Z at Cribbage.

Here is little Miss Lydia. We used to call her numerous nick names, Lydi Moo, Lydi Moo Moo Kachoo, Bitty, and just plain Lydi. She has announced that those are not her name. Her name is Lydia and boy, she will not let you forget it! Lydia has done so much growing up since we last posted, it almost breaks my heart.

She has been potty trained this past year and has started preschool/daycare at a local daycare. She loves it and says she has so many friends. She loves her teachers and loves making crafts at school.

Here is our most recent family photo taken this past Christmas. Although we have had a rough couple of years, we are incredibly grateful for each other, our wonderful families, our awesome friends, and the Gospel.

Here's to a new year with a new beginning! Here's to more updates on The Cranney Family Blog!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Nutcracker Part II

I found this picture of Lila on Marti's facebook page only after I had updated the blog. We thought it was worth updating the blog. This is NOT a pose. This is just Lila being Lila...

"The Nutcracker"

The girls had their ballet recital. They were the prettiest ballerinas I have ever seen.

Emma was more nervous than I have ever seen her. It was cute to see my childs first stage fright.

Lila was so calm and completely unaffected...that is until it came time to dance and then she was so mesmorized by the ballerina who was dancing with her that she didn't move a muscle!

Overall I was so proud of my girls and we were so excited and blessed to be able to share the night with our family! Josh, Marti, and Chris were down for the weekend and it was so much fun to be able to share it with them!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Wishes

Merry Christmas Everyone! We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Season and a Joyful and Grateful New Year!

Sisters Then and Sisters Now

This weekend we rented a movie for our girls and blew up the air mattress and they got to have a slumber party in the living room. As I was preparing to do the blog, seeing this picture reminded me of a sister's moment captured when I was just a baby like Lydia.
It's been four years since I have seen my sister. What a blessing to be able to look back and appreciate the time we did have together. It also helps me to appreciate all the more the sister I do have. I love you Marti!

Emma's Birthday

So I know I am a month late but at least it is finally here. EMMA'S BIRTHDAY PICS!!!
Emma's birthday was the epitome of a runaway train. We had told her all year long that this year was going to be a lowkey birthday. Next year she is turning 8 and so we thought we would save the big party for then. However, the day absolutely snowballed. However, we had a great time, with awesome gifts, and even more awesome friends. It was really a fun day for Emma.
This year she asked for a stage. The mind reels at how to accomplish that task. However when we presented the idea to our great friends Ambur and Eric Jones, within three hours they had it designed, materials purchased, and the stage built. Here is a shout out to them for putting this smile on our daughter's face...Thank you just doesn't seem to be enough!

This is the exact moment she saw the stage. She had no clue! That morning she woke up and said she just knew she was going to get a Swim to Me Puppy because it is her birthday and she gets what she wants. However, a lesson was learned that day. Sometimes Mom and Dad know more what she "wants" then even she does!
Uncle Chrissy also bought her a karaoke microphone that lights up with stage lights and allows her to actually sing to her high school musical music in her CD player. I am amazed we haven't had any complaints from the neighboors!

Before the opening of gifts we had to take Emma and her friends to the park so the guys could get the stage into her room undetected. Here are some of the pics from that fun...

And the birthday would not be complete without the HSM cake. I had a BLAST decorating this cake with Ambur -- Anytime girlfriend, I'd collaborate with you again!

Here is Emma opening Grandma and Grandpa Cranney's gift. We took video of it so they could see. We would also like to send out a shout out to Grandma and Grandpa Zollinger who came and celebrated both November girls birthday's on Halloween. Thank you so much...thanks also to Uncle Chrissy who celebrated then with us as well. Thank you to all who has made our girls feel so special and loved!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lydia was absolutely aDORAble this year on her 2nd birthday. She loved her DORA cake. She did not want to eat it, all she wanted was to sit next to it and pet it.

This was definitely a DORA birthday. Between the Dora books, dress up, movies, and toys she received, she is pretty much set in that department.

Lydia's birthday this year was a lot of fun. She really loved all of her gifts and loved her cake. Thanks to Ambur, her cake turned out beautiful! Thanks to all who gave gifts and helped us celebrate!